Sunday, September 9, 2007

APEC On The Cheek

Hello Oh Rambling Masses,

Let me just say that I am overflowing with pride at the performance of our fine government during the APEC summit here in Sydney. What a magnificent effort. For just 300 million taxpayer dollars, the obtrusive lockdown of the CBD, significant discontent amongst the general populace, harm to the public relations standing of the police force and continued erosion of our liberties and rights, Beige Howard has been able to clinch quite a winner on the environment front.

He has been able to get the APEC-member governments to tentatively agree in principle to the initial postulation that a proposed notion of aspirational emission targets should perhaps be a possible consideration at some nebulous time in the future, just as long as it doesn't affect the continued (obscene) economic growth or prosperity of those self-same nations.

Well done, Johnny. Give yourself a big pat on the back. You've certainly far exceeded my expectations.

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