Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Give Me Strength

Hello Ramblers,

As the title suggest, this is a desperate attempt to gain strength from any quarter possible.

Give me strength to fight the ever-present pervasive forces of capitalism as they continually sap my energy with their soul-destroying in-your-face injections of poison. Every time I see an advert, whether on the idiot tube, in the ongoing bombardment of what used to be good trees but is now glossy mass media advertising in my mailbox, or the annoyance of advertising on the internet or radio, a little piece of my soul is transformed to pure rage instead of the peace and joy that it should be experiencing.

I cannot countenance advertising in any form other than the purely informational. If I had my way, every single media mogul, advertising executive, marketing guru and demographic surveyor would feel my Viking anger, slowly slipping down the edge of my blade as their bodies came to rest on the hilt of my tightly held sword of righteous vengeance.

I know their tricks too well, and can spot their fake posturings a mile off. Their little psychological games and NLP tricks cannot sway me - in fact I have a severe knee-jerk reaction every time I am targeted by their vapid mass-media fumblings. I am very much a channel surfer. Every time an advert spoils my viewing or listening pleasure on the TV or radio, I am instantly transformed from a passive participant to a militant hater of all things capitalist.

I work hard to try and maintain my sanity in a world gone mad. Whenever advertising or any of the multiple manifestations of the capitalist machine invades my consciousness, I am left feeling embittered, personally violated, and full of rage and hate for the vapid masses of human detritus that waste the resources of this great planet.

Fuck off and leave me alone. The futuristic views of Minority Report, where public stations everywhere scan your iris, identify you, and target advertising to their stored profiles of your spending habits are not so far away. I would put it to you that they are already here, except for the high-tech delivery of their poisonous messages.

And what are the rulers of our world doing in this current "economic crisis"? Encouraging all of us to spend, spend, spend; wanting us to continue to feed the rabid, rampant capitalist monster that has destroyed our planet and prostituted our souls. Great solution, assholes.

Where is my sword? Where is my sanity?

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